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105 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at Delft University of Technology Netherlands

Fully Funded Scholarships for International Students to Work and Study Abroad

Applications are invited for Fully Funded 105 PhD Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at Delft University of Technology Netherlands to study abroad for international students.

Delft University of Technology (Dutch: Technische Universiteit Delft) also known as TU Delft, is the oldest and largest Dutch public technological university. It is located in Delft, Netherlands. It is consistently ranked as the best university in the Netherlands. As of 2020, it is ranked by QS World University Rankings among the top 15 engineering and technology universities in the world.

105 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at Delft University of Technology Netherlands

With eight faculties and numerous research institutes, it has more than 19,000 students (undergraduate and postgraduate) and employs more than 2,900 scientists and 2,100 support and management staff.

The university was established on 8 January 1842 by William II of the Netherlands as a Royal Academy, with the primary purpose of training civil servants for work in the Dutch East Indies. The school expanded its research and education curriculum over time, becoming a polytechnic school in 1864 and an institute of technology (making it a full-fledged university) in 1905. It changed its name to the Delft University of Technology in 1986.

Dutch Nobel laureates Jacobus Henricus van ‘t Hoff, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, and Simon van der Meer have been associated with TU Delft. TU Delft is a member of several university federations, including the IDEA League, CESAER, UNITECH International, and 4TU.

List of 105 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at Delft University of Technology Netherlands

Postdoc(s) Convergence for Health and Technology Projects
PhD Position Biophysical Studies at the Interface with Artificial Lipid Membranes
PhD Position in Analysis
PhD Position Interaction Chemistry Between Fission Products and Lead/Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Coolant
Assistant or Associate Professor in Software Engineering
Assistant Professor or Associate Professor in Optimal Control of Thermofluids Networks
PhD Position Control of Evasive Manoeuvres for Automated Driving
Postdoc Fall Prevention in Elite and Consumer Cycling
Postdoc Valpreventie bij recreatief en professioneel fietsen
Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) of Space Systems (Laser Communication)
Assistant Professor Statistics
Lecturer Miniaturized ADCS Space Systems with Academic Career Advancement
Molecular Biology Technician
PhD Position Optimization
PhD Position Automated Vehicle Control in Edge Cases
Assistant or Associate Professor Social Robotics
PhD Position Machine Learning for Complex Fluid Mechanics and Convective Heat Transfer
Assistant Professor or Associate Professor Real Estate Economics
Postdoc Inter-Temporal Justice in Resilience Decision-Making
PhD Position LANDMARC LAND-use Based MitigAtion for Resilient Climate Pathways
ASIC Design/Design Flow Specialist
List of 105 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at Delft University of Technology Netherlands to study abroad
Assistant Professor or Associate Professor Data Fusion for Intelligent Vehicles
Assistant Professor or Associate Professor Department of Imaging Physics
Assistant Professor(s) or Associate Professor(s) Numerical Analysis Computational Finance and Fast Solvers for Large (Non-) Linear Systems
Full Professor High Performance Computing
PDEng Trainee designer bioprocess engineering
PDEng Traineeship chemical product design
PDEng Traineeship process and equipment
PhD Position Dynamic Semantics Specification
Phd Position Integrated Photonics Based Sensors for Bragg Peak Localization Using Ultrasound
PhD Position Interactive Machine Reasoning for Responsible Hybrid Intelligence
PhD Position Static Semantics Specification
Postdoc (Meta-)Learning to Give Feedback in Interactive Learning
Postdoc Bragg Peak Imaging/Localization System Using Microbubbles, Ultrasound and Integrated Photonics Sensor
Postdoc Frugal (Waste-)Water Technology
Postdoc High Precision PET/SPECT Cancer Therapy Imaging
Assistant Professor High Performance Polymer Matrices
Assistant Professor in Blockchain-related Computer Science
Assistant Professor Novel Thermoplastic Composites
Assistant Professor or Associate Professor Bio-inspired Micro Air Vehicles
Assistant Professor or Associate Professor Visual Computing
List of 105 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at Delft University of Technology Netherlands to study abroad
Beleidsmedewerker Talent & Development
Combined function of programme manager of the TU Delft Wind Energy Institute and Coordinator of the European Wind Energy Master (0.8-1 fte)
PhD Material Design Under Uncertainty with Bayesian Deep Learning
PhD Position 4TU.Centre Engineering Education and Centre for Education and Learning
PhD Position Development of 4D Shape-Morphing Neuronal Scaffolds by Two-photon Polymerization and Machine Learning
PhD Position Digital-Twin Based Design of Connected Smart E-bikes
PhD position Distributed Systems
PhD Position Greenpower Assessing the Consequences of the Energy Transition on Waterborne Supply Chains
PhD Position H2020 COgnitive Assisted Agile Manufacturing for a LAbor Force Supported by Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
PhD Position Materials Design with Generative Machine Learning
PhD Position Multi-modal and Computational Adaptive Imaging for Archaeological Samples and Art Objects
PhD Position New Machine Learning Strategies for Data Scarce Materials Science Problems
PhD Position Statistical Integer Linear Programming in High Dimensions
PhD Position(s) Control of Teams of Autonomous Drones in Hazardous Environments
PhD Position(s) I-GNSS Positioning for Assisted and Automated Driving
Postdoc Position H2020 COgnitive Assisted Agile Manufacturing for a LAbor Force Supported by Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
Researcher Ontologies for Modelling Tool Behaviours
Senior Netwerk consultant ICT-Infra
Assistant Professor – AI for Systems and Control
List of 105 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at Delft University of Technology Netherlands to study abroad
Assistant Professor – Artificial Intelligence for Fluid Mechanics
Assistant Professor – Artificial Intelligence for Manufacturing Space Structures
Assistant Professor Accelerating Quantum Physics or Nano-Science Developments using Artificial Intelligence
Assistant Professor Designing AI-Powered Systems
Assistant Professor in Human Interactions with Embodied Artificial Intelligence
Assistant Professor Transforming Chemical Engineering or Biotechnology with Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Assistant Professors – Artificial Intelligence and its Applications
Assistant Professors – Artificial Intelligence for Architecture and the Built Environment
Assistant Professors in Artificial Intelligence
Assistant Professors in the field of Artificial Intelligence for Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Functioneel Beheerder Online Solutions
PhD Position Situated AI Systems
PhD Position(s) Artificial Intelligence and Probabilistic Tensor Methods
PhD Position(s) Wind Turbine and Wind Farm Control
PhD position ICAI AFR – Deploying ML Models at Scale track
Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science
Postdoc Numerical and Experimental Contact and Soil Mechanics
Assistant Professor Dynamics of ship and offshore structures
Business Relations & Communication Officer
PhD Position Computationally Efficient Analysis of Energy System Models
List of 105 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at Delft University of Technology Netherlands to study abroad
Postdoc Bioinformatics: Modelling of Single-Cell Heterogeneity in Proton Therapy Response
Postdoc Powering Windows with Luminescent Nanocrystals – POWLUNA
Secretaresse Doctoral Education Programma
Assistant Professor or Associate Professor Financial Stochastics
PhD Position Resilient Multimodal Transport Hubs in a Pandemic-Aware Society
PhD Position Design for Impacting Autonomous Processes in Organisations
Facultair Informatie coördinator
Assistant or Associate Professor (tenure track) in Ship Design, Production, and Operations
Assistant Professor or Associate Professor Fluid-Structure Interaction with Emphasis on Hydropower
Assistant Professor or Associate Professor Environmental Biotechnology
PhD Position Antarctic Ice Shelf Melt and Hydrology
PhD Position Positive Tipping Points in Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions
PhD Position Remote Sensing of Ice Shelf Firn Processes
Postdoc Cities, Machine Learning and Network Science
Measurement Lab & Packaging Engineer
PhD Position Designing Intelligence – Next Generation AI Design Methods
PhD Position Designing Intelligence – Tracking Multimodal Processes in Design Activity
User-Interface Designer for Open-source Musculoskeletal Modeling Software
Secretaresse Sectie Governance & Organisation
Postdoc Offshore Pile Installation
List of 105 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at Delft University of Technology Netherlands to study abroad

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