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20 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at Utrecht University in the Netherlands

Fully Funded Phd, Faculty and Research Positions in Netherlands to work and study abroad for International Students

Applications are invited for 20 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at Utrecht University in Netherlands to work and study abroad for International Students.

Utrecht University (UU; Dutch: Universiteit Utrecht, formerly Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht) is a public research university in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Established 26 March 1636 (384 years ago), it is one of the oldest universities in the Netherlands. In 2018, it had an enrolment of 31,801 students and employed 7,191 faculty and staff.[2] In 2018, 525 Ph.D. degrees were awarded and 6,948 scientific articles were published. The 2018 budget of the university was €857 million.

Utrecht University counts a number of distinguished scholars among its alumni and faculty, including 12 Nobel Prize laureates and 13 Spinoza Prize laureates. Utrecht University has been placed in the top 100 universities in the world by four major ranking tables. The university is ranked the best university in the Netherlands by the Shanghai Ranking of World Universities 2019, ranking 13th in Europe and 49th in the world.

The university’s motto is “Sol Iustitiae Illustra Nos,” which means “May the Sun of Righteousness Enlighten Us”. This motto was gleaned from a literal Latin Bible translation of Malachi 4:2. (Rutgers University, having a historical connection with Utrecht University, uses a modified version of this motto.) Utrecht University is led by the University Board, consisting of prof. dr. Henk Kummeling (Rector Magnificus), prof. dr. Anton Pijpers (Chair) and prof. mr. Annetje Ottow (Vice Chair).

20 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at Utrecht University in Netherlands

List of 20 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at Utrecht University in Netherlands to work and study abroad.

Tenure Track Assistant Professor position in Disease modeling (1.0 FTE)Join our team and develop an innovative research programme in regenerative pharmacology.
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacology
PhD position in spectral analysis of networks (1.0 FTE)The Mathematical Institute at Utrecht University is looking for a PhD candidate to research spectral properties of several models of random graphs.
Mathematical Modelling
Postdoc position in random spatial networks and algorithmsThe Mathematical Institute at Utrecht University is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work with in a project on random spatial networks and algorithms
Mathematical Modelling
PhD candidate on the project ‘Tipping the iceberg: leveraging a food transition for indigenous communities in the Bering Sea’ (1.0 FTE)Are you interested in researching pathways to a sustainable future food system for Arctic indigenous communities? Then this PhD position is perfect for you!
GEO / Dept SD
Postdoctoral Researcher for the project ‘Resources, Intersectionality and Institutions: Determinants of Benefit Dependency’ (0.8 – 1.0 FTE)Are you knowledgeable about the labour market and social security system in the Netherlands? Then this may be the position for you.
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Lecturer in Management and/or Marketing (0.7 – 1.0 FTE)
Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance
PhD candidate: Big data approaches in occupational health (1.0 FTE)Interested in applying advanced data science to occupational health? Then a PhD position within the large EU-EPHOR project might be just for you.
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
PhD position on ‘Induced Seismicity and Geothermal Energy Production in the Netherlands’ (1.0 FTE)Are you interested in the research programme WarmingUP and/or the induced seismicity in Groningen. Please apply if so!
Faculty of Geosciences
PhD Position in Applied Probability Theory (1.0 FTE)You will develop a research project in high-dimensional probability theory and its applications in data science, signal processing, and machine learning.
Department of Mathematics, Mathematical Institute
Tenure Track Assistant / Associate professor position within the Bijvoet Centre for Biomolecular Research (1.0 FTE)Join our team and help us expand our research focus!
Department of Chemistry
Two postdoctoral research positions in structural and biophysical characterization of the human complement system (1.0 FTE)Discover how human complement proteins are organised in the membrane to provide an adequate native immune response whilst avoiding damage to self.
Department of Chemistry, Crystal and Structural Chemistry
System developer in Question-based Analysis of Geographic Information with Semantic Queries (1.0 FTE)Are you a highly motivated software developer with a strong interest in designing data semantic systems in geographic analysis as well as in GIS technology?
Two tenure track faculty positions Environmental Sciences at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development (1.0 FTE)Would you like to contribute to the solution of challenges in environmental sciences and simultaneously increase our fundamental knowledge of the system?
GEO / Dept SD
PhD position in Process Mining (1.0 FTE)Join our interdisciplinary team to develop algorithms and techniques for analyzing and mining complex processes.
Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Business Process Management & Analytics
Assistant Professor Youth and Family (0.8 FTE), Dutch requiredDevelop an independent research line, embedded within the research programme’s longitudinal studies, to attract young Researchers.
Afd. Jeugd en Gezin
PhD position in Hybrid Intelligence: Explaining data-driven decisions with legal, ethical or social impact to end-users (1.0 FTE)How can we explain data-driven decisions with legal, ethical or social impact to end-users? Can we use argumentation to make black boxes transparent?
Department of Information and Computing Sciences
PhD position for the project ‘Electoral Technologies and Democracy in Global Perspective’, as part of the inter-university Gravitation consortium ‘Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technology’ (1.0 FTE)
departement Filosofie en Religiewetenschap
PhD position for the project “The Ethics of Humanoid Robots” as part of the inter-university “Gravitation” consortium “Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technology” (1.0 FTE)Do you have a strong interest in ethics/moral philosophy, applied ethics, and normative issues related to technology?
departement Filosofie en Religiewetenschap
PhD – Pathogenesis of stem cells tumorigenicity (1.0 FTE)Are you a creative and independent thinker, ready to study the mechanism underlying stemness and malignant transformation in different types of tumors?
Faculteit Diergeneeskunde
Postdoc position in quantitative imaging of pathogen infection of plants (1.0 FTE)Developing new imaging technology for the early detection and quantification of infectious disease in plants to aid resistance breeding of crops.
Department of Biology, Plant-Microbe Interactions

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