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62 PhD and Postdoc Scholarships at Chalmers University of Technology

PhD and Postdoctoral Scholarships at Chalmers University of Technology, a Swedish university located in Gothenburg, Sweden

PhD and Postdoctoral Scholarships at Chalmers University of Technology, a Swedish university located in Gothenburg, Sweden

Ref. No.Job ad headerApplication deadline
20220067PhD student position in collaboration in major infrastructure construction projects01/04/2022
20210604PhD student position in Formal Verification of Smart Contracts31/03/2022
20220036Onsala Space Observatory recruits to meet exciting challenges ahead21/03/2022
20220017Senior Researcher / Researcher in Data Intensive Radio Astronomy21/03/2022
20220001Full Professor/Professor in Quantum Electronics for Radio Astronomy21/03/2022
20220046Senior Research Engineer – Digital Signal Processing21/03/2022
20220035Senior Research Engineer – Digital Infrastructure Development – Swedish SKA Regional Centre node21/03/2022
20220029Assistant Professor in Logistics and Freight Transport20/03/2022
20220063PhD student position in photonics: Microcombs for coherent optical communications15/03/2022
20220064PhD student position in Biophysical Chemistry15/03/2022
20220050PhD student position in Nonlinear Silicon Photonics15/03/2022
20220033PhD student position in experimental geomechanics: fixing clay with clay15/03/2022
20210133PhD students in Quantum Nanophotonics15/03/2022
20210134Postdocs in Quantum Nanophotonics15/03/2022
20210565Excellence PhD positions at Excellence Initiative Nano15/03/2022
20220056PhD student position in Supply Chain Management, focus on Service Supply Chains and Innovation14/03/2022
20220047Postdoc in Marine propulsion systems for wind assisted vessels13/03/2022
20210524Postdoc in Accelerating hydrogen sensing through artificial intelligence06/03/2022
20220030PhD student position in millimeter-wave integrated antennas for joint communication and sensing06/03/2022
20210552Postdoctoral fellowship in single-molecule nucleic acid biophysics04/03/2022

PhD student position in millimeter-wave antennas for 6G wireless connectivity and digital services04/03/2022
20220051Postdoc in Microcombs01/03/2022
20220042Postdoc in Analysis of policy instruments for sustainable food consumption01/03/2022
20220039Postdoctoral position in reinforcement learning01/03/2022
20220040Postdoctoral researcher positions in Computer Architecture01/03/2022
20220031Postdoc in AI Engineering – Software Engineering for AI01/03/2022
20210478Full professor, Professor or Associate professor in Building Design28/02/2022
20220045Postdoc in Logistics and materials handling28/02/2022
20220044Postdoc in Logistics and supply chain management28/02/2022
20220037PhD student position in Ka-band planar and active antenna design for SATCOM applications28/02/2022
20220043Postdoc In situ synchrotron/neutron diffraction for engineering materials28/02/2022
20210592Postdoctoral positions on the origin and fate of dust in the universe28/02/2022
20220027Postdoc in Graphene Devices for Single-photon Sensing28/02/2022
20210554Post doctoral researcher in Human cell and tissue biology28/02/2022
20210530Post-doc in Bioinformatics with applications to antibiotic resistance27/02/2022
20220028Postdoc in Sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation26/02/2022
20220006PhD student in Applied Mathematics, Ref PAR 2021/173426/02/2022
20220034Postdoc in Machine Learning for Metallo-Protein Biophysics25/02/2022
20220016PhD student positions in mathematics, Ref PAR 2022/5725/02/2022
20220014PhD student position in mathematics25/02/2022
20220010PhD student position in mathematical optimization and artificial intelligence25/02/2022

PhD position in Applied Mathematics and Statistics25/02/2022
20220002PhD student or postdoc needed in the development of novel gas cleaning methods24/02/2022
20220019PhD student position in Chemical recycling of plastics with catalysis20/02/2022
20220021PhD student position in Development of novel catalysts for green chemical production20/02/2022
20220020Postdoc in Reductive catalytic fractionation of wood for green chemical production20/02/2022
20210619Data Scientist for analysis of biological sequences19/02/2022
20210409Postdoctoral position in neutron scattering18/02/2022
20220018Postdoc in Terahertz Communication17/02/2022
20210529Postdoc in Astrochemistry at Onsala Space Observatory16/02/2022
20210518Postdocs in Systems assessment of hydrogen and electrofuels in transport15/02/2022
20210622Postdoctoral researcher in Formal Methods15/02/2022
20220009Postdoc in Operando tomography for next generation batteries15/02/2022
20220004Postdoc in mass transport in absorbents used for hygiene products15/02/2022
20210617Postdoc in Synthetic biology of probiotic yeast15/02/2022
20210609Postdoc in Microbial Robustness15/02/2022
20210610PhD position in cybersecurity for systems13/02/2022
20210613PhD student in numerical simulations of reactive Brownian systems11/02/2022
20220005Postdoctoral Position in AI-Accelerated Oligonucleotide Drug Design10/02/2022
20210591Postdoc in AI and machine learning, Neural network generalization properties06/02/2022
20210590Postdoc in AI and machine learning research in cancer genomics06/02/2022
20210589Postdoc in AI and Machine Learning research in bioinformatics06/02/2022
Fully Funded Scholarships for International Students to Work and Study Abroad

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