All ScholarshipsPostdoctoral and Faculty PositionsSwitzerlandUniversity of Zurich

64 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at University of Zurich (UZH), Switzerland

Fully Funded 64 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at University of Zurich (UZH), Switzerland for Teachers to Work Abroad

Applications are invited for Fully funded 64 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at University of Zurich (UZH), Switzerland.

The University of Zurich (UZH, German: Universität Zürich), located in the city of Zürich, is the largest university in Switzerland, with over 25,000 students. It was founded in 1833 from the existing colleges of theology, law, medicine which go back to 1525, and a new faculty of philosophy.

Currently, the university has seven faculties: Philosophy, Human Medicine, Economic Sciences, Law, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Engineering, Computer Sciences, and Robotics, Theology, and Veterinary Medicine. The university offers the widest range of subjects and courses of any Swiss higher education institution.[8] As of October 2018, 23 Nobel laureates and 1 Turing Award winner have been affiliated with the University of Zurich as alumni, faculty, or researchers.

List of 64 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at University of Zurich (UZH), Switzerland

Three Post-Doctoral Research Positions in the Department of Political Science
Clinical Research Coordinator / Study Nurse
PhD Position in Plant–Pathogen Herbarium Genomics
PhD Position in Plant–Pathogen Herbarium Genomics
PhD Position in Soil Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning Assessment across Europe
Postdoctoral Research Position in Political Ecology
PostDoc Position for the Project: Engineering Macrophages for Cancer Immunotherapy
PhD Position in Chemistry (Organic Electrosynthesis)
Postdoctoral Research Position in Nursing Science
Assistant Professor (non tenure track) for experimental and translational Ophtalmology
Assistenzprofessur (non Tenure Track) für experimentelle und translationale Ophtalmologie
Faculty position in Diagnostic Imaging
Assistant Professor non-tenure track in Quantitative Network Science
Two PhD positions in a research project on educational inequalities (4 years each)
Assistant/PhD Position in English Linguistics
Three Post-Doctoral Research Positions in the Department of Political Science
Postdoctoral Researcher in the University Children’s Hospital Zurich
PhD Position in the Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute
assistant professorship in digital visual studies
System Engineer / System Administrator for Science IT
2-year Training Position in Exotic Animal Medicine
4-year Residency-Position in Zoological Medicine
PostDoc Position in Organic and Supramolecular Chemistry
Professorship in Legal Tech
PhD or Postdoc Position in Computational Linguistics
Lecturer in Geocomputation (“Oberassistent*in”)
PhD position in Plant Evolutionary Biology; Genetic basis of the hornwort’s carbon-concentrating mechanism
PhD Position in European Law
PhD or Postdoc Position in Semantic Roles Acquisition
PhD or Postdoc Position in Primate Communication and Cognition
PhD student position in theoretical/computational chemistry
PhD Position in Animal Vocal Communication on “Signal Diversification”
Postdoctoral Academic Associate (80%) and/or Predoctoral Academic Associate (70%)
Assistant Professorship “Theragnostic Tumor Pathology”
Postdoc positions in Philosophy
Assistant Professorship in Coronary Artery Disease
2 PhD Positions in Computer Science (Algorithmic Game Theory + AI/Machine Learning)
Post-Doctoral Position in Machine Learning
Post-Doctoral Position in Economics and Computation / Algorithmic Game Theory
PhD Position – ChromoBreed: From Chromatin to Plant Breeding (RESPONSE DP, ESR 14)
PhD Position in The gene therapy and immunology laboratory
Professor/Chair (“Lehrstuhl”) of Small Animal Internal Medicine (open rank)
Academic Assistant (PhD-position) in the Department of History
Postdoctoral Research Position in Translational Cancer Research
Postdoc in Translational Regulation in Cancer
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Biochemistry.
Professor/Chair (“Lehrstuhl”) of Parasitology (open rank)
Early Stage Researcher (PhD Student candidate) – Marie Skłodowska Curie ITN – CO2PERATE
Early Stage Researcher (PhD Student candidate) – Marie Skłodowska Curie ITN – CO2PERATE
Post Doctoral Position in HIV Vaccine Research / Computational Vaccinology
Post-­doctoral position: Comparative Genomics of Primulaceae
PhD Position in Plant Epigenetics
Post-doctoral position in Cancer Cell Biology funded by Krebsliga
Postdoctoral position bridging epigenetics, multi-omics and translational brain tumor research
Assistant Professor Tenure Track in Digital Bioinorganic Chemistry
List of 64 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at University of Zurich (UZH), Switzerland

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