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DAAD Scholarships – Research Stays for University Academics & Scientists

Fully Funded scholarships for Students Living in developing countries to study abroad.

Applications are invited for Fully Funded DAAD Scholarships – DAAD Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists at the state or state-recognized institutions of higher education or non-university research institutes in Germany.

Details of DAAD Scholarships

The aim of this particular programme is to support short-term research stays and thus promote the exchange of experience and networking amongst colleagues.

Benefits under DAAD Scholarships

  • Monthly payments of 2,000 euros for assistant teachers, assistant professors and lecturers, 2,150 euros for professors
  • Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of funding
  • Other payments cannot be made.

Health insurance coverage is mandatory in Germany. If you do not have a corresponding home health insurance, you will be insured by the DAAD. The costs will be deducted from the scholarship payment.

What can be funded?

  • Research stays at state or state-recognised institutions of higher education or non-university research institutes in Germany. A research stay can also take place at several host institutions
  • Funding may only be claimed once within three years
  • Lecture tours or visits to congresses are not funded

Duration of the funding

  • One to three months; the length of the grant is decided by a selection committee and depends on the project in question and the applicant’s work schedule
  • The grant is non-renewable


  • University teachers and established academics and scientists who have usually completed a doctoral degree and work at a university or research institute in their home country
  • Applicants must work at a university or institute of higher education in their home country
  • The research project must be coordinated with an academic host institute in Germany. The applicant must be provided with a workplace


The application procedure for DAAD Scholarships occurs online through the DAAD portal. The access to the DAAD portal opens about 6 weeks before the application deadline.

Application documents

Documents to be uploaded to the DAAD portal for DAAD Scholarships:

  • Online application form
  • Full curriculum vitae in tabular form (max. 3 pages)
  • List of academic publications (max. 3 pages)
  • Comprehensive statement about research project (max. 10 pages)
  • Time schedule and itinerary (host institutes / academic hosts) of the planned research stay
  • Letter from host confirming academic cooperation, which refers to the applicant’s proposal and guarantees that a workplace will be provided

Scholarships Link

Institute Name: Higher education or non-university research institutes
Degree/Course: Short term Research Stays
Country: Germany
Last Date: October 15th for stays that start between March and July of the following year

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