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48 Postdoctoral and Academic Positions at The European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany

Fully Funded Scholarship Positions to study abroad for international students

Postdoctoral and Academic Positions at The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), a molecular biology research institution, Germany

Scientific Officer – Protein Expression and Purification Core Facility

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 14 February 2022 |  Grading: Grading: 4, 5 or 6; depending on experience and qualifications (monthly salary starting from 3.1k – 3.8k EUR after tax + other paid benefits)

Operational Manager – EMBL Mobile Services

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 13 February 2022 |  Grading: 6 or 7; depending on qualifications and experience

EMDB Resource Manager

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 7 February 2022 |  Grading: Grade 8 (starting salary from £4,103 per month after tax) + other paid benefits

Project Controller/Budget Officer

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 6 February 2022 |  Grading: 6; depending on qualifications and experience (monthly salary starting from 3.8k EUR net + other paid benefits)

Training Lab Technician

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 31 January 2022 |  Grading: 4, 5 or 6; depending on experience and qualifications (monthly salary starting from 3.1k – 3.8k EUR after tax + other paid benefits)

Lagerverwalter / Storekeeper (m,w,d)

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 31 January 2022 |  Grading: 4


Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 26 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 5 or 6 (monthly salary starting at £2,809 or £3,143 per month after tax) + other paid benefits

Drug Discovery Scientist

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 24 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 5 or 6 (monthly salary starting at £2,809 or £3,143 after tax) + benefits

Bioinformatician – Open Targets Team

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 24 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 5 or 6 (monthly salary starting at £2,809 or £3,143 after tax) + benefits

Research Technician – Genomics Core Facility

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 21 January 2022 |  Grading: 4, 5 or 6; depending on qualification and experience

Software Engineer

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 20 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 5 or 6 (monthly salary starting at £2,809 or £3,143 after tax) + other paid benefits


Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 19 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 5 – 6 (monthly salary starting at £2,809 – £3,143) + other paid benefits

Fachbereichsleitung der Elektrotechnik (m/w/d)

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 18 January 2022 |  Grading: Depending on qualifications and experience (monthly salary starting from 3.4k up to 3.8k EUR after tax plus other benefits)

Pädagogische Fachkraft – Erzieher / Kinderpfleger (m,w,d)

Ancillary at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 18 January 2022 |  Grading: 2 oder 3; je nach Qualifikation

PRIDE Database Manager (Coordinator)

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 17 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 8 (monthly salary starting at £4,103 after tax) + other paid benefits

Financial Accountant

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 16 January 2022 |  Grading: Grading: 4, 5 or 6; depending on experience and qualifications (monthly salary starting from 3.1k – 3.8k EUR after tax + other paid benefits)

Accounting Assistant

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 16 January 2022 |  Grading: 3 or 4; depending on experience and qualifications (monthly salary starting from 2.8k up to 3.1k EUR after tax plus other benefits)

Senior Programme Manager – EMBL-EBI Services

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 16 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 7 or 8 (monthly salary from £3,577.46 or £4,103.79 after tax) + benefits

Postdoctoral Fellow – Structural biology of Plasmodium falciparum membrane complexes

Postdoctoral Fellow at Hamburg, Germany

Closes 16 January 2022 |  Grading: Stipend

Scientific Training Lead (Core Programme)

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 16 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 7 or 8 depending on experience (monthly salary starting at £3,577 or £4,103 after tax) plus benefits

Scientific Training Lead (Grants Programme)

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 16 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 7 or 8 depending on experience (monthly salary starting at £3,577 or £4,103 after tax) plus benefits

Postdoctoral and Academic Positions at The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), a molecular biology research institution, Germany

Full Stack Software Developer

Staff Member at Grenoble, France

Closes 15 January 2022 |  Grading: 4, 5 or 6 depending on experience and qualifications

Research Information Officer ( EMBL Heidelberg, Germany or EMBL-EBI in Hinxton, UK )

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 14 January 2022 |  Grading: 4, 5 or 6; depending on qualifications and experience

Research Information Officer (EMBL Heidelberg, Germany or EMBL-EBI in Hinxton, UK)

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 14 January 2022 |  Grading: 4, 5 or 6; depending on qualifications and experience

HR Recruitment Administrator

Supernumerary at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 13 January 2022 |  Grading: 3

Full Stack Developer

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 10 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 5 or 6 (monthly salary starting at £2,809 or £3,143 after tax) + benefits

Hybrid Cloud DevOps Engineer

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 9 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 6 (monthly salary starting at £3,143 after tax) plus other paid benefits

Research Assistant in Structural Biology

Supernumerary at Grenoble, France

Closes 9 January 2022 |  Grading: 3 or 4 depending on experience and qualifications

Mass Spectrometrist

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 9 January 2022 |  Grading: 4, 5 or 6; depending on experience and qualifications (monthly salary starting from 3.1k – 3.8k EUR after tax + other paid benefits)

Bioinformatician — Biological data and network analysis

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 9 January 2022 |  Grading: 4, 5 or 6 depending on experience and qualifications

Software Developer

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 9 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 5 or 6 (monthly salary starting at £2,809 or £3,143 after tax) + benefits

Senior Digital Product Designer

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 7 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 6 (monthly salary starting at £3,143 after tax) + other paid benefits

Research Support Officer

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 6 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 5 (monthly starting at £2,809 after tax) + benefits

Business Intelligence Analyst

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 6 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 6 (Monthly salary from £3,143.06 after tax) plus benefits

Ensembl Metazoa Project Leader

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 5 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 7 (Monthly salary starting at £3,577 after tax) plus other paid allowances

Bioinformatician MGnify

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 4 January 2022 |  Grading: 5 (monthly salary starting at £2,809 after tax) + other paid benefits

Linux Systems Administrator

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 4 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 5 or 6 (monthly salary starting at £2,809 or £3,143 after tax) plus other paid benefits

Cloud Engineer

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 4 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 5 or 6 (monthly salary starting at £2,809 or £3,143 after tax) + benefits

Bioinformatician MGnify

Supernumerary at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 4 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 5 (monthly salary starting at £2,809 per month after tax) + other paid benefits

EMBL-EBI Grants Office Manager

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 3 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 7 (monthly salary from £3,577.46 after tax) + benefits

DECIPHER developer

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 3 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 5 or 6 (monthly salary starting at £2,809 or £3,143 after tax) + other paid benefits

Postdoctoral and Academic Positions at The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), a molecular biology research institution, Germany

48 Postdoctoral and Academic Positions at The European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany

Bioinformatics Developer

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 3 January 2022 |  Grading: Grade 5 or 6 (starting at £2,809 or £3,143 after tax per month) plus benefits

Head of Technical Services

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 2 January 2022 |  Grading: Depending on skills and experience

Postdoctoral fellow – Imaging Microbial Communities

Postdoctoral Fellow at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 2 January 2022 |  Grading: Fellowship

Postdoctoral Fellow

Postdoctoral Fellow at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 1 January 2022 |  Grading: Stipend

Research Technician/ Lab Officer

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 1 January 2022 |  Grading: 4, 5 or 6 depending on experience and qualifications

Research Technician/ Lab Officer

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 1 January 2022 |  Grading: 4, 5 or 6 depending on experience and qualifications

Research Technician

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 31 December 2021 |  Grading: 5 or 6, depending on experience and qualifications

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