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Birkbeck University of London Scholarships 2024

Birkbeck University of London offers a variety of scholarships for both undergraduate and postgraduate students, with a focus on academic excellence, professional development, and financial need.

Applications are invited for the Birkbeck University of London Scholarships 2024. The last date to apply for the Birkbeck International Scholarships Varies. For international students wishing to enroll in undergraduate and graduate programs, the Birkbeck International Scholarships are fully funded. This scholarship is worth £4000.

Since around 200 years ago, the Birkbeck Scholarship has supported people in obtaining higher education and changing their lives. It has a brilliant, unique, and innovative past.

Researchers and professors at Birkbeck interact through a variety of networks, groups, and society. They bridge disciplinary boundaries and areas of knowledge to support and facilitate creative, multifaceted studies.

We are happy to recommend that you submit an application for a Birkbeck University scholarship. One of the best chances to pursue higher education in the UK is right now.

Birkbeck University of London Scholarships Details

  • Host Country: United Kingdom
  • Host Institute: Birkbeck University of London
  • Degree level: Undergraduate & Masters Degree
  • Deadline: Varies

Available Fields 

  • Biomedicine
  • Medicine
  • Business Psychology
  • Classics
  • Accounting
  • Accounting and Management
  • Accounting with Finance
  • Ancient History and Archaeology
  • Archaeology
  • Archaeology and Geography
  • Arts and Media Management
  • Computing
  • Contemporary History and Politics
  • Creative Writing
  • Creative Writing and English
  • Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • Culinary Industry Management
  • Data Science and Computing
  • Economic and Social Policy
  • Economics
  • Economics and Business
  • Economics and/with Mathematics
  • English
  • Environmental Management
  • Film and Media
  • Finance with Accounting
  • Financial Economics
  • French Studies
  • French Studies with International Experience
  • Geology
  • German
  • Geography
  • Geography and International Development
  • German with International Experience
  • Accounting and Management with Finance
  • Community Development and Public Policy

Financial Coverage

  • £4000 (tuition fee-only, first year only)
  • £2000 (tuition fee-only, first year only)
  • £1500 (tuition fee-only, first year only)
  • £1000 (tuition fee-only, first year only).

Eligibility Criteria

  • The required language is English.
  • Eligible nations include Sub-Saharan Africa. Caribbean, Latin America, MENA (Middle East and North Africa), and Asia (Central Asia, South Asia, South East Asia, and East Asia).
  • Typically, you are a citizen of a nation in the area in question.
  • Per student, only one scholarship award may be given, and additional awards may not typically be paired with this one.
  • Candidates are categorized as paying “International” tuition.
  • Candidates must be international students who will be paying their tuition and who have received a firm offer to enroll in one of Birkbeck’s full-time undergraduate or postgraduate tuition programs beginning in the fall of 2023. Candidates must pay foreign fees to be considered.

Application Deadline

The last date to apply for the Birkbeck International Scholarships varies.

How To Apply?

  • UK Scholarships The Birkbeck University of London Scholarships 2024 includes an online application form.
  • Complete an online form and email or upload the necessary files.
  • For further details about the Birkbeck University of London Scholarships and the application procedure, kindly click the “Official Website.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for a scholarship at Birkbeck University of London?

A completed scholarship application form
A copy of your academic transcripts
A letter of recommendation from a teacher or professor
A personal statement

When do scholarships at Birkbeck University of London become available?

Scholarship applications for Birkbeck University of London are typically accepted in the fall semester. However, some scholarships may have earlier or later deadlines. It is important to check the individual scholarship website for more information.

How much money do scholarships at Birkbeck University of London typically award?

The amount of money awarded by scholarships in London varies depending on the specific scholarship. However, most scholarships award between £1,000 and £5,000.

How competitive are scholarships at Birkbeck University of London?

The level of competition for scholarships in London is high. However, if you have a strong academic record and a compelling personal statement, you have a good chance of being awarded a scholarship.

What are the benefits of receiving a scholarship from Birkbeck University of London?

There are many benefits to receiving a scholarship from Birkbeck University of London. Scholarships can help to cover the cost of tuition, books, and living expenses.

How do I find out more about scholarships at Birkbeck University of London?

The best way to find out more about scholarships at Birkbeck University of London is to visit the Birkbeck website. The website has a comprehensive list of all the scholarships that are currently available. You can also contact the Birkbeck Student Advice Service for more information.

What is the deadline for applying for scholarships at Birkbeck University of London?

The last date to apply for the Birkbeck International Scholarships varies.

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