Doctoral student for the Psychosocial factors and health –group
Helsinki University

Professor Marko Elovainio at the Psychosocial factors and health -research group at the Department of Psychology and Logopedics / Research Program unit at University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine invites applications for the position of
Our research focuses on the social, psychological, behavioral and biological processes that affect mental and physical health outcomes across the life-course and between generations. These processes include but are not limited to early childhood environment, work-related health risks and social relations from adolescence to old age. The position will be related to the Burden of loneliness research project funded by the Academy of Finland.
Applicants with strong research interest in behavioral sciences, health sciences, or social sciences and quantitative methods (ability to use R) are particularly encouraged to apply.
Applicants should hold a Master’s degree in a field that is relevant to the research topic. Relevant disciplines include psychology, health sciences, epidemiology, sociology and medicine. Other requirements include ability and motivation, demonstrated through previous degree studies or otherwise, to pursue postgraduate studies and a doctoral degree according to the study plan. Previous research outputs, such as publications or experience in data collection, are not obligatory but will be considered as merits. Applicant must be able to work independently and have good communication skills in English.
The appointee should either already have the right to pursue a doctoral degree at the University of Helsinki by the start of the appointment or apply for the right and obtain it within the probationary period of six months of their appointment. If the candidate does not already have the right to pursue a doctoral degree at the University of Helsinki, it must be applied for separately,….
The appointment will be for 2 years starting upon agreement. Trial period of 6 months will be applied. The monthly gross salary will be appr. 2200-2400 € per month depending on the appointee’s qualifications and experience. In addition, University of Helsinki offers comprehensive services to its employees, including occupational health care and opportunities for professional development. Further information at
For additional information about the position, please contact professor Marko Elovainio: marko.elovainio (at) Additional information about the application process, please contact HR Specialist Päivi Sinisalo: hr-ltdk (at)
Please submit your application as a single PDF file containing your CV and two letters of reference through the University’s electronic recruitment system by clicking “Apply for the position” link below. Internal applicants (i.e., current employees of the University of Helsinki) must submit their applications through the SAP HR portal, under the tab “Career and Job”. If you have questions about the recruitment system, please contact rekrytointi (at )
The deadline for applications is 15 October 2021.
The Faculty of Medicine promotes high quality scientific research. It provides research-based undergraduate and postgraduate education in medicine, psychology and logopedics, dentistry,and an international Master’s Programme in Translational Medicine. It also offers psychotherapist education. In addition to its teaching and research activities, the Faculty serves as a significant expert organisation in the healthcare sector and contributes to the discourse on ethics in the field. The Faculty aims to be one of the best medical research faculties in the world, while reinforcing its status as a distinguished institution of medical education.
The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Helsinki constitutes the academic medical centre together with HUS Helsinki University Hospital and the Helsinki Institute of Life Science (HiLIFE). This medical centre has been successful in international comparisons, ranking among the top 10 medical campuses in Europe and the top 50 globally.
Due date
15.10.2021 23:59 EEST