Five PhD Students in Operation and Maintenance Engineering
Luleå University of Technology

Luleå University of Technology experiences rapid growth with world-class expertise within several research domains. We shape the future through innovative education and ground-breaking research results. Drawing on our location in the Arctic region, we create global societal benefit. Our research is carried out in close collaboration with companies such as LKAB, Ericsson, Boliden, ABB and Epiroc and with leading universities around the world. Luleå University of Technology has an annual turnover of SEK 1.8 billion. We are today 1,770 members of staff and have 17,200 students.
In the coming years, investments amounting to many billions will be made in large projects in the regions of Norrbotten and Västerbotten in Northern Sweden. Luleå University of Technology is involved in several of these cutting-edge research projects and offers a broad range of courses and study programmes to match the skills in demand.
Operation and maintenance is a rapidly growing research area as it is recognized as an important enabler for the business performance by industry. Luleå University of Technology seeks five PhD students to work in a number of projects that contribute to the development of operation and maintenance of railways.
Subject description
Operation and Maintenance Engineering deals with the development of methodologies, models and tools to ensure high system dependability and efficient and effective maintenance processes for both new and existing systems.
Project descriptions
I. Life extension of the railway system (contact: Uday Kumar)
II. Industrial AI with focus on eMaintenance (contact: Ramin Karim)
III. Machine learning and simulation of railway dynamic systems (contact: Matti Rantatalo)
IV. Human Cognition in Future Maintenance Operations in Autonomous Machines (contact: Phillip Tretten)
V.Integrated asset management of railway systems (contact: Uday Kumar)
You must have good knowledge of modeling and software development. Experience of the railway industry, operation and maintenance, software development, building mathematical models, optimization methods, simulation techniques, but also interest in metaheuristics, statistics and machine learning are meritorious. You must be proficient in programming languages such as R, MATLAB, Python, C # and Azure and their associated simulation and optimization libraries and packages. Knowledge of the use of OR tools is an advantage. In order to be able to communicate within the projects and with various stakeholders, we require that you master English, in speech and writing. It is an advantage if you have good knowledge of Swedish in speech and writing.
For further information about a specific subject see: General curricula for the Board of the faculty of science and technology
Most employees at the subject Operation and Maintenance Engineering are currently men why we would like to see female applicants. Provided that the qualifications are the same, the underrepresented gender will be given priority.
Employment as a PhD student is limited to 4 years, teaching and other institutional services may be added max 20%. Placement: Luleå, Sweden. Starting date: as soon as possible, by agreement.
For further information about the positions, please contact: Uday Kumar, +46 920 491826,, Matti Rantatalo, +46 920 492124,, Ramin Karim, +46 920 492344,, Philip Tretten, +46 920 492855,
Union representatives: SACO-S Kjell Johansson +46 920 491529 , OFR-S Lars Frisk, +46 920 491792
In case of different interpretations of the English and Swedish versions of this announcement, the Swedish version takes precedence.
To see the full ad, please go to
We prefer that you apply for this position by clicking on the apply button below. The application should include a CV, personal letter and copies of verified diplomas from high school and universities. Mark your application with the reference number below and mark which topic you are most interested in. Your application, including diplomas, must be written in English or Swedish.
Reference number: 2708-2021
Last day of application: September 22, 2021
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