Intergovernmental Exchange Scholarship Programmes, Czech Republic
Fully Funded Scholarship Exchange Program for International Students to Study in Czech Republic

Applications are invited for Fully Funded Scholarship Awards under Intergovernmental Exchange Scholarship Programmes in Czech Republic.
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MEYS) annually offers scholarships to foreign nationals within the framework of intergovernmental exchange programmes arranged with the following countries:
Intergovernmental Exchange Scholarship Programmes awards can only be granted to candidates officially recommended for the award by the appropriate authorities in the eligible countries, mentioned in the files above, which collect the applications, set the closing date for applications and organize the selection procedure.
For the academic year 2020/2021, the scholarship awards amounts to CZK 9,000 per month for those who do not hold a Master’s degree or equivalent and CZK 9,500 per month for holders of a Master’s degree or equivalent, unless they enrol in another Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme in the Czech Republic.
Intergovernmental Exchange Scholarship Programmes holders are exempted from tuition fees. The scholarship has to be collected in person at the appropriate department of the host university.
Inexpensive accommodation at student dormitories is offered as well as the possibility to take meals at student catering facilities. Scholarship-holders reimburse the related board and lodging expenses themselves. The applicants are requested to indicate in their application form whether they wish to obtain lodging at a student dormitory.
Scholarships in Czech Republic awards of this type are designed for university/college students or graduates and Ph.D. candidates(exceptionally for academic staff members) who wish to undertake study or research visits to one of the Czech public institutions of higher education.
Eligible recipients and period of scholarship:
The categories of eligible recipients are specified separately by each of the exchange programmes arranged with the countries concerned. Detailed information on the entry requirements, in particular the minimum academic qualifications, can be provided by the authorities collecting applications in the eligible countries.
The period of scholarship usually ranges from 2 to 10 months. Scholarships may be awarded repeatedly to the same recipients, provided that they submit a renewed application for the following academic year and are selected by the appropriate authorities in their home countries.
Type of course / conditions of enrolment:
Scholarship-holders usually attend courses that do not lead to the award of a degree (non-degree study courses) or pursue an independent research activity (research visit), depending upon their academic qualifications and preferences. Applicants are required to choose a field of study that is related to the field they are studying at their home university/college.
Nominations and application dossiers must be submitted to the MEYS by the appropriate authorities in the eligible countries. Applications sent directly to the MEYS by individual applicants will not be processed.
Closing date for applications:
The closing dates for applications are set by the appropriate authorities in the eligible countries; the deadlines differ in individual countries, but are usually fixed for the very beginning of the calendar year in order to meet the subsequent schedule of admission procedure.
All applicants should indicate the preferred period of Intergovernmental Exchange Scholarship Programmes in their application form. The MEYS reserves the right to change the requested term of scholarship and/or place any applicant onto a course and/or higher education institution different from those indicated in his/her scholarship application form, if admission to the course requested by the applicant is not possible.
Each application dossier must comprise 2 copies of a completely and legibly filled out application form:
Academic staff members: