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PhD Environmental Physics Scholarships Germany

Fully Funded PhD Scholarships Position in Environmental Physics Germany for International Students

Applications are invited for Fully Funded PhD Environmental Physics Scholarships Germany at The Research Training Group R3 – Resilience of Lake Ecosystems at the University of KonstanzGermany.

Last Date to Apply: June 30, 2020

Detail of PhD Environmental Physics Scholarships Germany

The Research Training Group R3 – Resilience of Lake Ecosystems at the University of Konstanz studies the response of aquatic ecosystems, and their resilience and reversibility to changing abiotic and biotic conditions, using Lake Constance as a model system. Within the Research Training Group R3, a diverse group of doctoral researchers is investigating the response of community structure, biological interactions, and carbon & nutrient flows to changing conditions in Lake Constance. 

A Four (04) years doctoral scholarship funded by the DAAD is available for the following research topic under :

Ecological modeling and data analysis investigating the regime shift in the phytoplankton community in Lake Constance 

Project Description:

Trophic change has caused a regime shift in the annual phytoplankton biomass in Lake Constance. During eutrophication between the 1960s and the 1980s and during re-oligotrophication from the 1990s onwards the annual phytoplankton biomass has been rather resilient to changes in nutrient concentrations except for a comparatively short time period of transition between the two alternative states. The project aims at a better understanding of the mechanism responsible for the resilience and the regime shift of the phytoplankton in Lake Constance. We plan to use data analysis and numerical modelling of the phytoplankton community to investigate the consequences of changes in bottom up and top-down effects on the seasonal course of plankton development during eutrophication and re-oligotrophication. The project is integrated in the Research Training Group R3 and funded by the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD. 


To be eligible for PhD Environmental Physics Scholarships Germany, applicants must:

  • Highly motivated applicants with a MSc degree in Biology, Mathematics, Oceanography, Physics or Engineering
  • Have a background in numerical modelling and data analysis, ideally experiences with environmental systems and plankton, and show an enthusiasm for basic research
  • Be able to communicate effectively with individuals from a wide range of disciplines. High proficiency in English is expected.
  • At the time when DAAD receives the nomination letter, the last final exam (Master Degree or equivalent) must have taken place no longer than six years ago and applicants must not have resided in Germany for more than 15 months prior to the nomination


To apply for PhD Environmental Physics Scholarships Germany, applicants are required to submit:

  • Letter of Motivation (1 page)
  • Overview of your ideas on experimental strategies and methods for addressing the research question (1 page)
  • Curriculum vitae (including list of publications)
  • Certificates of education
  • Two letters of recommendation from faculty members of your home university (using the forms found under: 

To apply, please send the following documents as a single PDF file to Dr. Tina Romer,, coordinator of the Research Training Group R3.

Scholarships Position link

  • Institute Name: University of Konstanz
  • Degree/Course: PhD
  • Country: Germany

Last Date to Apply: June 30, 2020

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