PhD researcher Scholarship positions in Mathematics – Germany and Italy

Applications are invited for Fully funded PhD Scholarship positions in Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics, Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany and the University of Pavia, Italy
Fully Funded Scholarships presents PhD researcher Scholarship positions in Mathematics at Germany and Italy
In the context of the Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship of Professor Giuseppe Savaré to the TUM Institute of Advanced Studies, a full-time PhD researcher (Scholarship position) is required at the Department of Mathematics of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the research program in “Optimal Transport in Science, Technology, and Society”.
The doctoral study will be performed with research stays both at TU Munich, Germany as main location, and at the University of Pavia, Italy as international host institution.
- The Scholarship positions in Mathematics are paid according to the Civil Service rates of the German States “TV-L”, E13
- an interesting, varied, and challenging position within an experienced international team
- a competitive research grant, which allows for covering research expenditures (such as research visits, attendance to Conferences or doctoral schools)
To be eligible for Scholarship positions in Mathematics, an applicant must:
- Masters degree in Mathematics with Master thesis on a theme of mathematical analysis
- some introductory knowledge of optimal transport, calculus of variations, or nonlinear PDEs is appreciated
- good proficiency in English language
- knowledge of German is not required
Applicants are required to submit the following documents with application:
- a complete Curriculum Vitae
- copies of degrees / university transcripts
- a motivational statement, maximum one page, explaining the applicant’s interest in the position as well as their relevant skills and experience
- name and email address of at least one Professor who may provide a letter of recommendation directly to the hiring committee
Applications should be sent as a single PDF file to: Please indicate “Research Position OT-STS” in the subject line.
TUM explicitly encourages applications from women as well as from all others who would bring additional diversity dimensions to the university’s research and teaching strategies. Preference will be given to disabled candidates with essentially the same qualifications.
PhD researcher Scholarship positions in Mathematics at Germany and Italy