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PhD Scholarships in Catalysis field 2020, Germany

07 PhD Scholarships in the field of Catalysis 2020 at The Berlin International Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Engineering (BIG-NSE), TU-Berlin, Germany.

Applications are invited for Fully Funded 07 PhD Scholarships in Catalysis field 2020 at The Berlin International Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Engineering (BIG-NSE)TU-BerlinGermany.

Details of Scholarship

The Berlin International Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Engineering (BIG-NSE) which is now part of the Einstein Center of Catalysis (EC2) is offering seven (07) PhD Scholarships in Catalysis field.

The Center/School is attached to the Cluster of Excellence “Unified Systems in Catalysis” (UniSysCat) follow-up Cluster of UniCat, which was founded in November 2007 by the TUB and five further Institutions in the Berlin area. The main research interest of UniSysCat and EC2/BIG-NSE is “Catalysis” in a broad sense. The research fields involved cover a broad range of topics, from natural sciences to engineering. The faculty consists of internationally renowned professors and junior researchers from more than 50 research groups at 09 participating institutions, who will be intensively involved in the supervision and mentoring of the EC2/BIG-NSE students.

Benefits of Scholarships

The PhD students themselves will be financed either by Scholarships provided by EC2/BIG-NSE (“BIG-NSE scholarship holders”), by other scholarship programms (DAADBasCat, national programs) or directly from the respective research group that they are going to join (“Fellows“) or PhD Scholarships in Catalysis field 2020.

Eligibility for Scholarship

To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants will be required to have a Master’s degree in an appropriate discipline for admission into the PhD program.

Freie Universitaet Berlin – An Introduction

Application Procedure

In order to meet the high quality standards required for cutting-edge science and to allow for the fast and transparent selection of the candidates, particular care will be taken in the recruitment process, which will be divided into:

  • an application phase
  • the assessment of the application
  • and the final decision and offer

The required application materials for PhD Scholarships in Catalysis field 2020 consist of:

Scholarship link (Apply Here)

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