All ScholarshipsCompression


Download WinRAR 5.90

WinRAR is the most popular, and perhaps the best file archiving and compression software, and is one of the programs that every user will need. All Scholars who avail scholarships from all over the world need this software. Most of the documents and applications which are available over the internet are in a compressed format and they need some software un-compressor software. Here comes the WinRAR Compression Software which is being used widely for decades. WinRAR was initially released in 1995 for Windows 3.x.


  • WinRAR is the best choice for Students and Scholars in Research Field.
  • It Compresses all types of files with the best compression methods.
  • It can Encrypt files with passwords.
  • It can create an executable compressed file and extract it without the need for any program even installing WinRAR.
  • It has the feature to split a file into multiple files of the desired size to avoid downloading restrictions.
  • One of the main features of WinRAR is the tool to Repair incomplete downloaded files

Required system

It supports all types of windows and MAC OS.

Latest Version

The latest version of WinRAR is 5.9.

Download Links

It is available for download at WinRAR Official Website.

Download WinRAR

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