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International Training Program 2020 for Developing Countries – Belgium

For Africa, Asia and Latin America Countries

ITP Fully Funded Scholarship Details

An International Training Program\ (ITP) is a short or medium term, intensive, interactive, and applicable training focusing on a development relevant topic. It targets participants from developing countries with relevant professional experience in the topic of the ITP and who are active in a relevant organization or institution. The training enables participants to use and share new knowledge, skills, and practices in their home organization or institution.

An ITP is organized at a university or university college in Belgium/Flanders. VLIR-UOS provides Scholarships in order to facilitate the participation of the targeted participants.

Eligible Countries

Applicants from the following countries are eligible to apply:

Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya, Ma- dagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe

Asia: Cambodia, Indonesia, Palestinian Territories, Philippines, Vietnam

Latin America: Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Nicaragua, Peru


Successful applicants will receive the following benefits:

  • Indicative program allowance (number of days x number of scholars x bench fee. E.g.: 90 x 12 x 54 = 58,320 EUR)
  • practical and short term training in Belgium of minimum 14 days and maximum 03 months per year, course days and social activities included but travel days excluded


To be eligible for the Scholarships, an applicant must:

  • both a national and a resident of one of the eligible countries
  • are employed in academic institutions, research institutes, governments, the social economy or NGOs, or to those who aim to have a career in one of these sectors
  • have relevant professional experience
  • a support letter confirming (re)integration in a professional context where the acquired knowledge and skills will be immediately applicable


Applicants for International Training Program 2020 Scholarships for Developing Countries are required to submit the following with the application:

  • A detailed budget proposal which estimates the different costs of the ITP organization is required for a possible selection by VLIR-UOS
  • Every (co-)promoter involved in the ITP should add a curriculum vitae
  • The detailed program of the training must be included in the application

ITP Scholarship Apply link

Fully Funded Scholarships ( presents the International Training Program 2020 for Developing Countries – Belgium

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