PhD Student in Wood Science and Engineering
Luleå University of Technology

Luleå University of Technology experiences rapid growth with world-class expertise within several research domains. We shape the future through innovative education and ground-breaking research results. Drawing on our location in the Arctic region, we create global societal benefit. Our research is carried out in close collaboration with companies such as LKAB, Ericsson, Boliden, ABB and Epiroc and with leading universities around the world. Luleå University of Technology has an annual turnover of SEK 1.8 billion. We are today 1,770 members of staff and have 17,200 students.
In the coming years, investments amounting to many billions will be made in large projects in the regions of Norrbotten and Västerbotten in Northern Sweden. Luleå University of Technology is involved in several of these cutting-edge research projects and offers a broad range of courses and study programmes to match the skills in demand.
We are looking for a motivated doctoral student for the research subject Wood Science and Engineering at Luleå University of Technology who can carry out qualified research in our research group both independently and in collaboration with colleagues. You will work in the field of the strategic research program CT WOOD CoE. CT WOOD is domiciled at the Wood Science and Engineering in Skellefteå and behind the initiative are The Swedish Forest Industry Federation/Swedish Wood, Kempe Foundations, Skellefteå Municipality and LTU, together with industry.
The doctoral position is unique and will lead to a future in-demand competence and give you as a researcher the opportunity to work in creative research environments at LTU as well as in the organizations and companies we collaborate with. The doctoral position includes an active participation in further developing the international research community in the field.
Subject description
Wood Science and Engineering includes an interdisciplinary approach on the wood material and industrial processes covering the value chain from forest to wood products. Research areas are anatomy, physics, chemistry, and mechanics related to wood, as well as wood processing and products engineering, manufacturing technology, process optimization and visualization for wood based products.
Project description
CT WOOD will focus on applied research in close collaboration between universities, institutes and industry. A key task for research within CT WOOD is to find ways to improve the sawing process, where an increased volume and value exchange is primary. Specifically, the research within CT WOOD focuses on CT identifiable material properties at log level or tree level, to be able to build models so that before sawing you can choose which process parameters the individual log is to be sawn with in order to optimize the sawing outcome such as strength, appearance, surface requirements, value, process stability, etc. In order to develop the processing steps where wood machining is included, an understanding of which basic parameters affect the cutting process is needed, and in this doctoral project the possibilities of using CT scanning to characterize the wood material with regard to wood machining must be studied. There are also great opportunities for industrial and international cooperation.
The research area is multidisciplinary of both scientific and applied nature, and includes areas such as materials science, physics and industrial production technology. The work will include the development of methods to use CT scanning to analyse wood and other bio-based materials in order to be able to control the wood machining process in a better way. The project will collaborate with other projects where they work with the development of measurement methods, material analysis, optimisation of value exchange, process optimization, and quality management. Advanced measurement technology early in the process is the basis for optimizing the subsequent production stage. During the first period of your doctoral work, you will work within the project “Bioinnovation Hypothesis testing – Better sawing” in collaboration with Skogforsk, Thyren and Uppsala University, as well as several industries.
All scientific work is presented in English in the form of articles in scientific journals and at international conferences.
Basic qualifications for postgraduate education have those who have: 1) completed a degree at advanced level 2) completed course requirements of at least 240 higher education credits, of which at least 60 higher education credits at advanced level, or 3) in some other way within or outside the country acquired mainly corresponding knowledge.
Suitable background is a basic education in physics or equivalent.
The applicant must have a clear interest in physics, calculations, computer simulations, experimental studies and customary engineering issues. The applicant must be a good team player with good knowledge of English, in both oral and written presentation. Knowledge of the Swedish language is not a requirement for the position, but the applicant must be able to perform tasks that require an understanding of Swedish in a few years’ time.
For further information about the subject see;General curricula for the Board of the faculty of science and technology
Further information
Employment as a PhD student is limited to 4 years, teaching and other department duties may be added with max 20%. Placement: Skellefteå. Starting: as agreed.
For further information about the position, please contact: Professor Dick Sandberg, +46 910-58 53 71,
Union representatives: SACO-S Kjell Johansson (+46)920-49 1529 OFR-S Lars Frisk, 0920-49 1792
In case of different interpretations of the English and Swedish versions of this announcement, the Swedish version takes precedence.
We prefer that you apply for this position by clicking on the apply button below. The application should include a CV, personal letter and copies of verified diplomas from high school and universities. Mark your application with the reference number below. Your application, including diplomas, must be written in English or Swedish.
Reference number: 3232-2021
Last day of application: October 21, 2021